Timber Management and Taxation School with SFEC 2023 NEW

The University of Minnesota Extension Timber Management and Taxation School is designed to provide tax professionals, foresters, logging contractors, landowners, agricultural lenders, and farm management instructors with up-to-date information on federal tax treatment of income and expenses associated with the sale of timber. 

The event will include presentations by Tamara Cushing, a timber taxation specialist from the University of Florida and Mike Kilgore of the UMN Department of Forest Resources, and will offer a rare opportunity to update your timber taxation knowledge. 

The unique aspect of this event is that it involves professional foresters, logging contractors, landowners, and tax professionals in the same workshop. To best serve each group's clientele, each should understand the respective role(s) each group serves. The session will include ample time for questions and answers.

The course offers three Federal Tax update hours of CPE credit for tax professionals.  Professional foresters will also receive SAF and MN FSP CE credits.  

The registration fee covers workshop materials, refreshments, snacks, and lunch.

When: November 9, 2023, from 10am to 3:30pm
Where: Black Bear Casino Clubhouse Restaurant, 1791 MN Hwy 210, Cloquet MN 55720 (map link Note: location has changed from what was originally published
Cost: $50 before November 7, 2023, $60 at the door - MLEP Members Register with the link on this page. 
Event flyer

Questions? Contact either of the following:
Eli Sagor, UMN Extension Forestry and Cloquet Forestry Center. esagor@umn.edu, 218-409-6115 (voice or text)
Rob Holcomb, UMN Extension Center for Farm Financial Management. holcombr@umn.edu, 507-258-8754

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