Adapting to Climate Change: Practical Ideas for You and Your Business 2023 NEW

Training Objectives

  • Describe how changes in the climate affect weather patterns and forests.
  • Share examples of how (and why) foresters are changing management prescriptions to help forests cope with changing conditions, and what that could mean for logging contracts and activities
  • Discuss how climate change creates challenges and opportunities for logging activities and businesses operations.
  • Consider common-sense approaches to risk management.

Course Outline

8:00am                Introduction

8:20                      Weird weather discussion

8:30                      Climate change science

9:00                      Climate change effect on forests

9:20                      Break

9:35                      Climate change effects on forest operations

10:25                    Adaptation in forest management

10:45                    Break

11:00                    Adaptation in forest operations

11:50                    Wrap-up

12:00                    Lunch

12:30                    Current Issues in the Industry – A summary of topics presented at the Spring MLEP Conferences

2:30                      Adjourn


Stephen Handler, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science and USDA Forest Service,

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