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.2025 Logger Conference Bemidji

Event Date: 4/29/2025
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sanford Center
1111 Event Center Drive
Bemidji, Minnesota


Event Overview

Join dozens of vendors and sponsors along with hundreds of fellow logging business operators and their qualified logging professionals for your choice of annual logger education conferences.

The morning will offer plenary sessions while the afternoon will provide you the chance to choose from topics that suit your interests and needs. Course topics will cover annual Sustainable Forestry Initiative - State Implementation Committee Training Requirements

Vendors/Sponsors:  Please register your participants for EACH conference listed below along with completing the conference vendor sponsor form. Registration/Sponsorship transactions will need to be completed separately. I.e. 1) Complete & submit Sponsor/Vendor Form, 2) Complete and submit Bemidji participant registrations, 3) Complete and submit Virginia participant registrations. No need to register participants for LogSafe unless you/they plan to sit in the course for LogSafe certification.

Unable to see the member rates?
Are you logged in? Has your firm completed its 2025 membership enrollment/renewal? Give us a call at (218) 879-5633 and we can ensure that your company dues are paid and that your personal record is affiliated with a paid company. 

Event Date: Tuesday 4/29/2024
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sanford Center
1111 Event Center Drive
Bemidji, Minnesota



Online Registration

Logger (Member): Free Register

Logger (Non-member): $250.00 Register

Associate/Vendor/Sponsor (NonMember - NonLogger): $250.00 Register

Associate/Vendor/Sponsor (Member - NonLogger): Free Register

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